Scenario number one had us at our hotel a bit early on Saturday morning. With five large human beings along with the luggage for said large human beings, things can get a bit snug, even in the large vehicle we were in. That said, we hoped to at least drop off our luggage as it was only about 10 AM. The Hampton folks, however, let us check-in, two rooms ready to go! The luggage was dropped and off to tourist mode we went. There was talk earlier in the week of possibly picking up some culture at the various museums in the area, but.....we got side tracked just a bit enjoying some river scenery, refreshing cold beverages, and football. No love lost for me on missing the museums.
So the tailgate scene was good, we pack the gear and head for the stadium. Within 10 seconds of walking in the stadium, this stadium representative more or less is right on us, giving us detailed information on where to go for exchanging a few of our tickets for handicap access. His directions were spot on and a few minutes later, we were in the guest services office talking it up with them on everything from "What do people from Pittsburgh call themselves (not 'Pittsburghers' but can't remember what they said)?" to "Did the University of Pittsburgh used to have their own football stadium (they did)?" So there we are with five tickets and
I'm hoping best case scenario, two tickets can be exchanged; worst case, they pack Jimmy into a crowded row in the upper deck. Well, we received the "no way" scenario as all five of us we were sitting at about the 48 yard line, ten rows up from the Lion bench. Coach Swartz could have heard us had we yelled loud enough. Again, there is nothing better than when "service" really does mean service. The Lions of course blew the game but that isn't the fault of the locals who treated us to a great time this weekend.
Thank you Steeler nation.