Sunday, March 29, 2015

Hardest Working Band in Livingston County

I felt like the kid in the movie "Almost Famous" covering the happenings of a rock band and all the travels that go with the lifestyle. Instead of the band Stillwater, we have the Leechbombs; at least that is what I think they are going by these days. And no, I'm sorry to report there weren't any tales of groupies frolicking naked in the basement around the band. With part-time member Bad Santana residing in northern Michigan, however, there was a different sound Saturday evening. The band played....entire songs. Laugh if you must on that statement but playing entire songs is a big step for the band. In previous years, you got a montage of about 8-10 songs in one with at least one Petty verse required in all. The presence of Gordie M. I believe has brought some stability to the core. The bad Bad Company needs some work, however.
Keep on practicing Bombs.
Trail Head