It's getting close to that time of the year in the schools; the signing of the yearbook ritual. Why did we do it? And do kids still do it?
I dug up my junior high books as there is no better slice of the culture than what a bunch of 12-13-14 year-olds have to say.
We start our journey with the 1979 Highland Junior High yearbook, my 6th grade year. The names have been removed to protect the innocent; and the illiterate.
Besides some rhymes, not a whole lot to say in 1979. Some of my favorites:- "To a weirdo."
- "To a great singer; just kidding."
- "To a good friend I've nown (not my grammar) for 2 years."
- "Tim, you're a little weird but who care (not my grammar)."
- "The crowd was silent, the curtain arose, there stood Tim just picking his nose; just kidding."

On to 1980 and 7th grade; a bit more trash talking with some more "just kidding" comments.
Some favorites:
- "To a cool kid who is my friend and ooooo I'm mad at you; just kidding."
- "To a big jerk; just kidding."
- "To a dumb stuped (not my grammar) jerk who was never my friend."
- "For us cool kids."
- "To a so so kid; just kidding."
- "Cooper's room was really great, wasn't it (ha ha). I'm surprised she hasn't had a nervous breakdown."
Nervous breakdown? Too much sugar in that scribe.

On to 1981 when yours truly was in 8th grade; big man on campus!!! This is the year when half the school was headed to Milford and the other to Lakeland so the trash talk began. Along with the trash talking, however, were some phone numbers!!! Too bad I was terrified of speaking to women at the time so those numbers were a nice to have but unfortunately not used.
Some favorites:
- "To (not my grammar) bad your leading in home runs for left handers because I'm going to hit 2 homers in the big game if we get there." (reference to Friday wiffle ball in Lifetime Activities class; great class)
- "Tim, you're so shy I don't really know you that well but you seem nice."
- "Tim, To a real cute kid with a great smile who's going to Milford of course. All people cool are going to Milford."
- "Hi Tim. I would write have a good summer, hope to see you next year, but I live down the street."
- "To a real stud that I'm glad I met. And maybe some day you'll be has maucho (not my grammar) as me."
- "To a real athletic kid and a real bad hurdler. And weird smile."
- "To a so so hurdler; an ok long jumper."
- "To a really nice guy. And funny too. Sometimes. Well I'm glad I met you this year. And I'm not an airhead!"
- "Tim, you're a really foxy friend I'm glad you were in my gym class cause I love pullin down your shorts! Hope we can have a few classes together at Milford. Good luck in everything as if you needed it. Stay cute and strange!"
- "Your a real cool guy. And kinda cute (you'd be cuter if you could open your eyes; just kidding)"
- "To one of the toughest dudes I know."
- "To (not my grammar) bad you have to go to Milford. Lakeland #1 Your pretty cool."
- "To a real bomb person"