Yep, the millions are coming my way as I recently received my tax return money from "The D"......all $7 of it. While I can't complain in that I have a job, having to pay a little over $1,000 a year in city taxes because I work in a particular area of the state is a bummer. Most of the homeowners in the city aren't paying their taxes so I guess they need to get the money somehow. Also, I seem to recall tax return checks from the city actually coming from the city's checking account but this year's came through the state's. Does the city have an account anymore? Makes one believe the city is not yet back to the glory days just yet.
How can I parlay this large amount of money? A sack of White Castles for my friends maybe? A six pack of beer? A large blizzard from DQ? A new inner-tube for my bicycle? Invest it and in 300 years, it will be worth $10? So many choices.
Hang in there D.
Trail Head