These trips are usually part football and part local sight seeing, however, being a former Hoosier back in the late 90's, I had seen most of it already so besides checking out my old house, I was more or less being the tour guide Saturday night for the many Michiganders making the drive.
With me for the game were friends and former co-workers when I lived down there, Devin and Doug. Both are still in the area, raising families and doing well. Rather than doing the pre-game tailgate, we went with the local tavern to watch the early games. Many "Luck" jerseys in the house.
A gold star to the Lion contingent who made the trip. We sat near a group from Allen Park and the northeast area of the stadium had the "Let's go Li-ons" chant going before being drowned out by the Colts fans who just booed. Devin and Doug had to hear my rendition of "forward down the field" after each Lion score; which of course ends with the ROOOOAAARRRR!!!!!! (with the stretched out claw for effect).
The Colts stadium is a beautiful one. It is pretty much identical to the Lions stadium with one caveat that I can't believe wasn't even considered; a retractable roof with a north end wall that opens to the city skyline.
It wasn't pretty but the Lions are 1-0 and in first place!
Trail Head
winning field goal |
Devin and Doug |
view from the north side of the stadium |
quite a few Lion fans in the house |
victory is near |
my old crib in Indianapolis |