Thursday, April 13, 2017

Fear the 11th Floor - Black Tuesday is near

hell on earth
Yep, the day is coming. Tax day!!! I wouldn’t even acknowledge the day as OCD Tim(my) gets them done as soon as humanly possible once those W-2’s are received. I even went through a new tax prep site (sorry, no shout outs for said site) this year that allows the normal 1040 with deductions for a cost of….nothing! The site even screen scraped my W-2 PDF (and probably passed my information to someone overseas) so it was just click, click, click and waaa-laaa, taxes done. I don’t know what we’ll do if we ever have to go back to manually completing this process; and yes, another piece to the puzzle of the world evolving to the premise of the movie, Idiocracy (a world of idiots). All we need to do is click, click, click….
The topic leads us to a dilemma I have at my work place. We moved to a new location last fall and share the new building with the…..IRS. On the 11th floor is the tax assistance/audit/examination (scary word)/collection areas. I am on the 16th floor so I get to see individuals on a routine basis heading up to 11, usually with a stack of papers in no particular order and an “oh fuck” look on their face. I peeked out the elevator today on 11 and glanced into the office where the assistance was taking place. If you can imagine your worst ever Secretary of State visit, multiply it by 10. It did not look like a place I wanted to be. In speaking to one of the employees in the elevator, it is only going to get worse leading up to Tuesday. 
I may be working from home on Tuesday.
Trail Head out