No, I didn't stay for the ceremonies yesterday at the Glacial Hills Challenge in Bellaire, MI, but had I, the 3rd place step for the AARP class (50+) medal ceremony would have been occupied by yours truly. I don't think I could have rode any faster and the bike/body performed admirably so I couldn't be happier with the result. It felt good being the passer as opposed to the passee (not sure a word) as I've been in most races I've entered. My first pass of the day yesterday (shown first in the attached video) set the tone as the guy I passed unfortunately bit it behind me and slowed a bunch of riders trailing me. I shadowed a rabbit rider for awhile after that, he tired and it was open season from there on out. It's all about timing in these races as getting stuck behind a slow rider (or 1,000 slow riders as is the case in the Iceman Cometh race in November; blah) without being able to pass can be the difference. You almost have to be a dick and shove your way past but I at least try and give the formal "large melon coming through" call.
The video captures some rare passing by this scribe and some views of one of my favorite trails in the state.
Trail Head

fire danger was extreme - very dry/dusty |