Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ode to the Neighborhood Association

For anyone out there that has ever lived in a neighborhood with an association, by-laws and all that stuff (read: crap), this entry goes out to you. The thankless of all thankless jobs for those on the association board. There are 100+ homes in my sub so that is a lot a people to try and keep in line. Most keep up but there are always a handful of Taylor transplants to stir the pot (a shout out to Taylor-tucky today). 
I stay away from all board meetings as I made the mistake of attending one in my old neighborhood. Unbeknownst to me, my neighbor at the time decided to nominate me for a board position; which quicker than you can say 'jam and marmalade', I declined said nomination. That was my first and last board meeting.  
I won't name the specific neighborhood but friends in Highland live in a subdivision where the locals know their by-laws by heart and aren't afraid to throw a can of whoop ass on you if said by-laws are broken. I saw a woman there one time with vengeance that I've never seen before in another individual going off on another individual and their dog. I can't remember the exact infraction the dog made but just remember hearing "IT'S IN THE BY-LAWS!!!!" by the woman multiple times.
With the social media world we live in, every association these days has a group set up for residents to say whatever is on their mind. The posts are priceless.
The first entry below is a good one to start with as who doesn't like talking shi*? I have no dog Steven so can't claim dibs on the present someone left in your garbage can.

More poop venting but this time the guilty party was caught on camera! Come forward pink retractable leash owner and clean up that poop!

I haven't had a mailbox smashing incident since the 80's Michelle so hope whomever took out your mailbox fessed up.

In the "sucks to be you" category, we have poor Jennifer who not once, but twice over a span of five months had to tell the neighborhood that her basement was not doing too well these days. 

Heads up if you come to visit as apparently we have a coyote and a very friendly fox.

Never mind about the coyote and the fox if you visit, heads up for the crazy dog biting kids as they walk to the bus stop!

After escaping the coyote, the fox and the rabid dog, avoid Apple Crest as it sounds like its going to blow up soon.

Poor Meagan has bug issues and one person is giving her a thumbs up for having bug issues.

And two thumbs up to Jenni for having drywall damage!!!

Every neighborhood has a speed racer as if you have enough residents, there will always be one. I think Chris should utilize the "throwing of the rake at the car/motorcycle" process that my dad made popular in the 80's in his attempts to slow traffic on our street as I doubt the noted Mercury Milan is checking the association's site. 

Yes Grazia, I have a 'no solicitors' sticker on the door as well but am guessing the employee turnover on the people coming through the neighborhoods is quite rampant so just don't answer the door.