The winter mountain biking season for those looking to ride in the metropolitan Detroit area this season was a disappointment to say the least. I think its the curse of the local riding chapter's purchase of a trail grooming machine this season. Scared all the snow away. December lacked snow which allowed for moronic riders to destroy the trails during muddy time, January brought about rain/freezing rain/thaw/rain/snow/freezing rain which more or less put a layer of ice on every trail in the area. February brought about the 'polar vortex' allowing for extra freeze on the existing layer of ice.
This past week, however, presented a nice base of snow so off to Highland Recreation Area Saturday and Sunday this large headed rider went as social media reviews said the trail was a go. It did not disappoint. For friends who have asked about the winter riding experience, I've tried to capture it in the attached. The creative world of film editing allows for the removal of my gasping for air and snail speed climbs. A beautiful morning on a beautiful trail, however.