Since passed local sportswriter Joe Falls used to publish his 'random thoughts' column periodically. I went from ranges of thinking the man was a genius to thinking he was the 'get off my lawn' guy and should be checked into the old folks home.
I am evolving into the 'get off my lawn' guy but in the meantime, here are some thoughts from a larger than normal melon:
The Idiocracy of the world is still evolving, this time in the form of our press. The need to get the "first reported here" claim and worrying about the grammar (or the validity) later. The budget cuts apparently have removed the need for proof readers (or fact checkers). Just throw it out there. I am not perfect as I have my share of run on sentences on here from time to time but I used to hold the press to a higher standard. No more.
More Idiocracy, this time in the form of athletes getting interviewed after games with the very first thing out of their mouths being, "Like I said...." You haven't said anything yet. Another one I'm still scratching my head on is, "At the end of the day..." At the end of the day, you'll still be a millionaire until about the age 40 and at that point, you'll be like the rest of us. Hopefully you studied during your one semester of college.
I've vented about it here before but sports franchises should be required to have a majority vote from their season ticket holders the previous year before deciding to change uniforms. You're fu**ing it all up.
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uniform on the left please |
Pre-sale concert tickets. Making the common Joe/Jolene sign up for a credit card (or join a club, load a phone app) so they can get in line first is crap. Just tell us when the tickets go on sale and let the fastest computer win (without the computer doing all the work obviously).
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pre-sale needed for Chicago and Rick Springfield, really? |
Cubicle-less offices. This is the way with the modern office; my office is one of those. This is where my 'get off my lawn' guy comes out as I hate it. I actually went to the lumber store and got a four foot plank and wedged it into my front view. I gave the guy in front of me the "it's not you, it's me" reply but even that doesn't shield me from the girl behind who has the voice from the little people on the Wizard of Oz singing, "We represent the lollipop kids..." I can take small doses of it but she is the main speaker of many, many conference calls. To add to the fun, the manager on that side of the office has a high pitch laugh that would make any dog howl in agony. It's bad and he seems to laugh more than the normal human should. So yeah, not a big fan of the cubicle-less office.
I slipped on the ice in front of the Better Health store and found that ironic.
Bad radio jingles. I'm talking to you big fat Rich (never saw you but you sound fat) and Tanya. Get that darn Kia commercial off the air please. It's making me hate the brand more than want to buy one.
I still get a laugh seeing a couple out but both looking at their cell phones the entire time. You might as well stay at home you crazy millennials.
The wet pavement must be the orgasm of all orgasms for worms during a rainstorm as there are so many left to dry out afterwards rather than scramble back to the dirt.
For the guys only but why is it you can shake your post-pee all you want but if you have boxer shorts on, 9 times out of 10 you are going to get a post-pee dribble stain on said boxer shorts?
Trail Head