Wednesday, April 22, 2020

beard attempt - a sad one at that

In 50+ years on this wacky earth, besides week long backpacking trips, this scribe has never went longer than a week without shaving. It wasn't needed as the shave process for me normally occurs every other day to smooth over the stubble and an errant gray whisker. With the current home situation we're under (a fun one at that), I went longer than a week and the attached picture debunks the myth that Reeves blood can't grow beards. It came in quite thicker than I expected. It itches a bit but think I might keep it and purchase a trimmer to make it neat and clean. (DISCLAIMER: fake news/fake picture)
Seriously though, I am making the attempt but after what I believe has been about a month, it's currently a series of brown, dark brown and gray patches of hair on my face with no continuity. It's not in the family genes to grow facial hair I was always told although I've seen pictures of my mom's brother with a beard. He has no hair up top so I don't believe I have his beard gene (thankfully). I have no memory of my dad even having a 5 o'clock shadow so believe the trait might be true. I'll pass on a photo once I make the decision to shed but until then, as Shaggy (whom my current beard resembles) would say, Zoinks! 
Trail Head