Sunday, February 11, 2024

Super Bowl fish - missing the Lions and a boat plug

The calendar says Super Bowl Sunday which means fishing in some fashion in the morning leading up to what should have been a Detroit celebration of the Lions making their first Super Bowl. The former happened but the latter unfortunately was not to be this year. What a celebration it would have been.
As far as fishing, folks were ice fishing in town four weeks ago but all the ice is now gone. With no ice, I was ready to make the maiden voyage on the row boat I recently purchased. Bestsie Bay is a quarter mile down the road so to the lake I went with said boat. The boat was at the dock and I was loading it with the tackle, poles, etc... when I noticed a couple of things. One, water was slowly gathering in the back of the boat and two, I forgot that the boat needed a plug. Uggg. Another life lesson learned. With that, the maiden voyage for the row boat would have to happen another day and my kayak would be my water vessel today. 
There were three other boats with the same idea I had. The temperature was about 32 but the winds were down so it was actually pretty comfortable. I went with the bobber/sinker/night crawler combination on my two poles but no fish to report for me or others I came upon.
Lions in 2025? Hopefully so.
Trail Head