Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Luckiest Guy in the World

There was recently a documentary on television about a former NBA player who was portrayed as the luckiest guy in the world. As a sports junkie, I had to give a view and came to the conclusion that yours truly might be even luckier.
First and foremost, I was fortunate to be born in America and not some third-world country. We have no say in the matter of where we are born so I don't put any ill will towards others from different upbringings/locations/nationalities, unless they are stupid/do stupid things. They didn't ask for it; this is the life they were dealt and I got lucky for the most part.
I was brought up by loving parents who taught me the right and wrong of life. If a spanking/slap in the head was completed, it was justified as I did some stupid things along with being a crybaby in my youth.
I have been blessed with a great group of friends. Not Internet friends. REAL friends, most of whom I've known since the teen years. And sorry, as the Seinfeld bit goes, I'm not taking applications right now for any new ones. Good with what I have.
My adolescent years were spent in a town where the local police (in most cases) more or less would shoo you away like a stray dog when you were doing wrong.
I have a big head, literally, as I knew it was large looking in the mirror each day and can't get a ball cap to fit me (one size does not fit all).  I got my picture taken at the Secretary of State the other day for my drivers license and that screen they show you of what your license picture will look like REALLY shows the enormity of said head. Wow. But big head aside, I somehow have managed to date some pretty cool (a few wackos), attractive ladies over the years. My 45-15 dream is still out there in living with a girlfriend/wife for 45 days with a 15 day break/separation after the 45 days; and repeating the process. I know you're out there 45-15 girl.
I have been rewarded with good hand/eye coordination. I've mentioned it on here before but my kickball prowess got me through having to attend three elementary schools with family moves.
I've thankfully been employed for the last 34 years, even with a few major screwups early on in my career. Part of the job going in was looking for consumers who were behind on their car payments. I had a Porsche taken from a driveway one time as it was behind but it turned out it wasn't the correct Porsche. What are the odds that someone would have two Porsche vehicles? Slim, but it happened. We returned the wrong Porsche to the consumer and ended up taking the correct one a few months later. Another faux pas early in my career was when they installed an automated calling system in our office. There was no dialing involved as the system would do the dialing and direct an answering party to one of the collectors. The collector would speak to the person (most times an answering machine) and click an icon on the screen to hang up and queue the next answering party. I left a message on an answering machine, clicked on the hang up button (I thought), and made some not so flattering comments to myself about the delinquent party. It turns out the click of the hang up button did not take so my not so flattering comments made it on the consumer's answering machine. I crapped my pants when I heard the answering machine beep advising the message was complete in my headset. The automated calling system pilot was soon scrapped. In both instances, I kept my job so to the youth out there, we are all going to screw up one time or another. Get over it.
As bad as covid was, it allowed me to move to the most beautiful, simple place a few years ago. 
They say cats have nine lives, I think I've been through five so far as I've had some close calls over the years.
Lastly, I'm probably going to lose my memory in about a decade but while I fretted about it in my 20's, I've accepted it as regardless what happens (hoping for the hair loss scientists to put their focus on memory loss instead), I've been pretty darn lucky.
Trail Head