Sunday, September 15, 2024

Smart Pea Brain

Bird turns the big five months on Tuesday (no, there won't be any birthday parties for a dog) but that little pea brain of hers is making strides over said five months. 
Number one, and most important number one, she is potty trained for the most part and can hold her bladder for the entire night now so this scribe has been able get somewhat of a full night's sleep lately rather than walking outside in my boxers at 2 AM to oversee the process. My 50-something year old prostate normally has to urinate at that time anyway so it wasn't too much of a nuisance (besides rain storms) in addition to the being able to see the many stars/northern lights here in northern Michigan while supervising. 
Number two is pictured here. Whenever the air conditioning kicks on, you can bet your next paycheck that Bird will be hovering over the vent to take advantage of the cool air. 
Good dog; sometimes.
Trail Head