Friday, May 18, 2007

Highland Recreation Area

On what started as an overcast afternoon ended up to be a nice evening at Highland Recreation Area this past Thursday. I was lone rider due to one fellow rider having an unforeseen circumstance occur (and might be out awhile) and the other being pretty much a “frady cat” of riding at Highland. He seems to either have something come up or when he does ride, his bike mysteriously breaks down quite early in the ride. Coincidence? I think not. Besides Pinckney Recreation Area and maybe Gruber’s Grinder at Holly/Holdridge Lakes, Highland has to rate as probably one of the tougher trails in SE Michigan. While some other trails in the area get upgrades and trail re-routes to accommodate the beginner level riders, Highland seems to stay the course with its many hills (high point el. 1,140’) , cutbacks, rocks, tree roots, and logs throughout. While doing just the ‘A’ loop isn’t quite enough to get the blood moving, completing both ‘A’ and ‘B’ is a bear, not to mention the ‘C’ or ‘D’ loops. I’m still looking for some shortcut within ‘B’ but the trail area is so large, I’d probably end up in some “Deliverance” scene if I were to lose the trail. I’d rather not do any squealing in this life.

Highland was one of the first trails in the area that friends and I rode when we first got into mountain biking. Well, we weren’t really getting into it. We had a Saturday morning with nothing to do so we went to Highland Rec. This was probably thirteen or so years ago when the trail was shared with the horses and located near the ranger headquarters. None of us had helmets. I do recall a friend hurling on the trails back then (Trig or Mark?). That is precious. I can’t remember the bike brand I had back then (Huffy?) but it was a dog of a bike. It could get me up to Mason’s Party Store or Cobblestone Corner okay in its day but get it off the pavement, forget about it.

I am happy to report I passed a rider on the trail Thursday so the “blind squirrel finding a nut” theory does prove true. The rider did have a kickstand on his bike so I have to keep this conquest in perspective. No wildlife to report besides the birds and chipmunks. Besides a pedal loop breaking and my back brakes squealing loudly, there were no mishaps or falls.

After the ride and a post ride soda pop, it was time for the Sports-a-Palooza. The Tigers, Pistons, and Red Wings were playing and 59-West would allow me to view all without the need to channel surf and was right up the road from Highland Rec. While the Tigers and Red Wings gave it a nice try, the Pistons decided to show up and quiet the Windy City. It was an ugly victory but a victory it was and now we get to see more Piston playoff basketball. I ran into my old basketball coach, Don Palmer, who was there with Al “always on the move” Bageris. Due to the new schedule structure in high school sports, guys and girls basketball seasons are now in the winter. With that, Palmer had to choose between coaching the two. He chose to hang up the whip that he used on me so many times and coach the girls. There were many instances in my junior year of high school where I was the brunt of his frustration in basketball practices and games. Did it scar me for life like so many parents today cry about when little Bobby is getting yelled at by the coach? No way. It only made me a stronger person and has helped me to this day. I only wish I knew then what I know now about basketball. I would have chucked up some more shots.

Island Lake is next week. If Mother Nature cooperates, I’m thinking about bringing the grill so come on out. Have a great weekend and embrace the outdoors.
Trail Head