Thursday night was the first look at the new trail in downtown Milford. The Milford Trail I guess it is labeled. While I do enjoy riding the many trails in the area, it is always nice to experience something new.
The trail is at the ball fields off of Peters Rd. just off of Commerce near the YMCA. If you are expecting to see a bunch of mountain bikers parked in the lot, don’t forget that it is Little League baseball season. There were maybe three cars that were there for mountain biking and 50 family cruisers there for little Bobby’s big game. It was a sea of SUV’s. I won’t complain, however, because there are too many fat kids in the world today and at least these kids aren’t sitting at home in front of their Xbox games with a bag of potato chips. In addition, some of the kids had some quite attractive mothers. [I’m losing my focus here, back to the trail.] The trail is kind of similar to Maybury in that it has quite a few switchbacks throughout but I would rate it more
difficult. It runs down behind the YMCA, over to the edge of Mystic Creek golf course, and around Hubbell Pond (pictured), which is nice place for resting or just admiring the scenery. I’ve been advised that the trail is five miles but with the switchbacks, it feels much longer. I did the loop twice which took about 35-40 minutes per loop.
The trail is at the ball fields off of Peters Rd. just off of Commerce near the YMCA. If you are expecting to see a bunch of mountain bikers parked in the lot, don’t forget that it is Little League baseball season. There were maybe three cars that were there for mountain biking and 50 family cruisers there for little Bobby’s big game. It was a sea of SUV’s. I won’t complain, however, because there are too many fat kids in the world today and at least these kids aren’t sitting at home in front of their Xbox games with a bag of potato chips. In addition, some of the kids had some quite attractive mothers. [I’m losing my focus here, back to the trail.] The trail is kind of similar to Maybury in that it has quite a few switchbacks throughout but I would rate it more
There are parts of the trail that need more riders and there are other parts of the trail to remind us what our forefathers left us, old refrigerators, tires, beer cans, and even one rare “glass” bottle of Mountain Dew (probably left there by John Bakkila). Attached is a picture of the refrigerator section of the trail. Nice. Overall though, it really is a nice trail and will get better as more riders put some miles on it.
Parts of the trail did bring back some fond memories from my youth. I had visions of Brian Hamilton's red Firebird with Tony Haag in tow and Matt Brown’s Montego with four people in the extremely large (not) back seat. I scratch my head on how cars were able to drive back into the area where the trail currently resides. Really using our heads back then, eh?
With the Little League crowd, post ride soda pop consumption was limited. I stopped into O’Tooles in Novi on the way home to catch the first portion of the Pistons’ game (what a game that was). If anyone out there is ever going to own a sports type bar and a big game is on, please use some common sense in getting your televisions set up correctly to watch the game. There are probably 30 TV’s in O’Tooles and the Pistons were on ESPN and FSN. The telecast on FSN was probably about five seconds behind ESPN. So what does O’Tooles do? They have one TV with FSN on and all the others were on ESPN. This is fine but they used the audio from FSN. The play already happened before the audio was able to catch up to it which was frustrating the heck out of me. Get it right O’Tooles.
The dreaded Highland Recreation Area is next week. Have a great weekend. Go Pistons, Wings, and Tigers. I have no comment for the Lions.
Trail Head