Have the kids of today lost the thrill of Halloween or is my neighborhood just an isolated case? I must have had 10 to 20 kids last night that came looking for candy without a costume. Some said they were dressed as students and others didn’t say anything and just held out their bags. Sad. “Last time on the circuit, eh fellas?,” was usually what I greeted them with. Rather than risk having my house vandalized at a later date, they each got one Dum-Dums sucker. I must say, however, I was in that boat at one time. At least I made a half ass attempt at a costume though. Al C. and I went out and he was “Basketball Jones” and I believe I put on a plaster mask that I made in art class when I was in seventh grade. Al caught a bit of grief from a select few neighbors because all he had was a basketball. We got our candy fix so all was well at the end of the evening.
There was a good portion of holiday spirit out there, however. One 10 or 11 year old kid came up with a big red horseshoe thing around his neck with some baby chickadees at each end of the horseshoe. “Who are you?,” I asked. “I’m a chick magnet!!,” he replied with confidence.
Another thumbs up goes out to the youngster that was dressed up
as a whoopee cushion. I would have to guess that his mom had more involvement in the costume than he but it was still pretty cool. Besides those two, there were Harry Potters, WWE wrestlers, cowboys/cowgirls, angels, princesses, supermen/superwomen, spidermen/spiderwomen, and one Jeff Gordon NASCAR driver.
Bye for now.There was a good portion of holiday spirit out there, however. One 10 or 11 year old kid came up with a big red horseshoe thing around his neck with some baby chickadees at each end of the horseshoe. “Who are you?,” I asked. “I’m a chick magnet!!,” he replied with confidence.

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