There wasn’t a soul in sight Thursday evening at the Carrie Janowski Memor
ial Athletic Park, home of the Milford mountain bike trail. A little information on the park as I’m sure you are as curious as I was on who Carrie Janowski is and why they named a park after her. The park was originally named the Peters Road Ball Field but was changed in June 1986. The Milford Youth Athletic Association requested the name change in memory of one of their baseball players who was killed in a car accident. So now you know the rest of the story as Paul Harvey would say.
A nice evening it was. That full moon was looking pretty fierce. I either saw two deer or one deer twice. He/she was cruising pretty well after I was sniffed out. It was a very enjoyable ride. If I fell again, I was ready to torch my bike right then and there, ala San Diego style (pictured). 
I met up with Rob and his boys, Jake and Curtis, at Dukes after the ride for a meal. Those Schmitt boys sure do have great manners. Do you think they got it from their father who cusses like a sailor? I think not. Kudos to Wendy for a great job (okay Rob, you have the troops in line also).

I met up with Rob and his boys, Jake and Curtis, at Dukes after the ride for a meal. Those Schmitt boys sure do have great manners. Do you think they got it from their father who cusses like a sailor? I think not. Kudos to Wendy for a great job (okay Rob, you have the troops in line also).
Well…..the countdown has begun. I have 21 days until I turn 40. Besides aches hanging around longer that I need, I honestly don’t feel like a person coming up on the big four oh. My brother and I had a bet going when we were younger; he said I’d be bald by now. I won but I don’t think I’ll be collecting in the near future. I’m honestly not sure how I’m going to celebrate on November 15th. I might be up north sipping out of Rob’s whiskey boot glasses. I just hope I don’t have a replay of the Mio experience about fifteen or so years ago when I showered the back of Scott Templeton’s work van with some kind of red liquor. Matt B. was giving me the Heimlich maneuver even though I didn’t need it (it did generate more red liquid, however). Another bad replay that I hope not to reproduce would be my 21st birthday while a student at MSU. Hank G. and I indulged in one too many whiskey and lemonade mixers. I was all ready for the East Lansing 21st birthday free shot tour but had my first shot at Dooley’s and it was all over after that. I made it to the bathroom but my aim was off a bit. Good times. I’m open for any suggestions.
Trail Head