In celebration of Mike Adams’ 40th birthday, it was off to East Lansing this past S
aturday to see the collegiate version of the Detroit Lions, the Spartans of Michigan State (that is not a compliment by the way). Mike’s wife gave him a great present for the occasion, a bus/limo that took us to the game. My birthday is in November if anybody reading this wants to do the same for me. What a great setup it was. There were ten of us and the vehicle had ample room for everyone to sit back and enjoy their cold beverage(s). Kudos to the driver who took us pretty much anywhere we wanted to go and had to put up with a bunch of backseat drivers (“turn here…no…go back…sorry, can you turn around?”). We did a joy ride around campus and ended up at
Harrison Roadhouse before the game for a few cold ones. The driver dropped us off in front of the stadium before the game and picked us up pretty much at the same spot. It was first class all the way.
The game itself was exciting (and quite hot) but the Spartans’ defense must have frequented too many house parties the night before. They definitely did not show up. Needless to say, State lost to the woeful Northwestern Wildcats. Same old Spartans I guess. As Trig Bennett once said when our high school football coaches asked us in practice what was the problem, “bad coaching.” I
think the coaches gave this one away. Not to worry, however, because we had our ride waiting for us outside the stadium with a large cooler full of liquid pork chops. The pain of the loss quickly went away. A great time it was. Happy 40th Mike.
The game itself was exciting (and quite hot) but the Spartans’ defense must have frequented too many house parties the night before. They definitely did not show up. Needless to say, State lost to the woeful Northwestern Wildcats. Same old Spartans I guess. As Trig Bennett once said when our high school football coaches asked us in practice what was the problem, “bad coaching.” I
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