The second annual Milford Trail Challenge was Saturday morning and boy was it a hot one. The "challenge" isn't really a challenge; there were no winners of the event. The main goal was to get some funds to the Michigan Mountain Biking Association. I take it for granted when I ride that there are people out there trying to make my ride enjoyable so giving back is the least I could do. The start/registration for the challenge was at St. George's Cafe in downtown Milford. After registering, riders have the option of riding any or all of the trails surrounding downtown Milford, preferably getting to all locations by bicycle. Within peddling distance of Milford is the Milford Trail, Proud Lake, Island Lake, Hickory Glen and Highland Recreation Area. I chose to just do the Milford Trail and Proud Lake. It's too bad my main riding posse had soccer-dad commitments but they have to do what they have to do. No grudges here.
After the ride I was a bit parched and one of the perks to donating to this event is O'Callahan's Pub in Milford had $1 beers for all riders. While heading up there, I ran into Trig who also rode in the event. He and his group rode out to Island Lake. Trig took a nice spill based on the mud content on his shirt. Unfortunately he bit it not on the dirt trails but on the pavement path from Kensington over to Island Lake. The atmosphere inside of O'Callahan's was a scene where I guess you can only say, "you had to be there" and unfortunately I didn't bring my camera. A bunch of people still in their riding attire (picture bright red spandex times 20), all muddied up, and getting their $1 beer fix. One guy had his riding helmet on while others had their water packs still strapped on. A good event overall I think.
Trail Head