It was a "dude" outing this past Saturday at the motorcycle show in Novi. As in "dude, chec
k out that bike," or "dude, I need a beer." With all the chrome there, the place was a bunch of grown men in a toy store without mom to ask "can I have it?, can I have it?" I found some bikes to my liking but I'm too big of a baby to commit to one. I did, however, find the helmet (pictured) I can use when I fall down again on my bicycle and am forced to wear one all the time. Sweet, isn't it? Some great people watching there both in attendance and in the exhibit booths. You can never get enough of the chamois demonstrations. The carpet is dry! Amazing! There must be a big

demand on cleaning up spills because there were actually two chamois companies pushing their products. A close second would have to be the guys that are cleaning people's glasses/sunglasses left and right with their magic spray (??). I was waiting for infomercial guru Billy Mays to make an appearance sometime during the day.
Trail Head