The first session on Friday evening started similar to last year with Tommy working his leech magic with boat captain Keith. The two helped the SOL group get off to a hefty 14 pound
lead at 32-18. The Seadogs were a bit concerned but also trailed early last year so there wasn't much alarm, yet. In attendance when we got back to the Crouse residence after the session was none other than Jim Johnson. I am here to report that the Johnson laugh still can be heard from a mile away. After a great meal and some laughs around the fire pit, it was time to call it an evening to prepare for the 6 AM fish.
There was no looking back for the SOL's during the Saturday AM session as Keith and Champ kicked it up a notch (must be that "5 hour energy" drink) and pushed the lead to 35 pounds. Keith got the big fish of the weekend in the session with a 5 pound, 15 ounce pike pictured above. The SOL's now had 80 pounds total to the Seadogs' 45. Looking back at last year's totals, the SOL's had 39 pounds for the ENTIRE weekend. The fat lady was warming up after that display.
The mid day cruise on the Crouse pontoon boat onto Elk Lake gave the Seadog contingent a chance to catch their breath on what they were witnessing and enjoy a few beverages in the process. We must have been enjoying one too many beverages on the boat stroll because the afternoon/evening session had us pulling in a measly nine pound effort to the SOL's 33. It was now 113-54 and the fat lady had sung. Tommy again took the session victory, this time with Mitchell as the captain. 
The only thing left to be determined on the final day was if Tommy would be caught on his weekend fish total accumulation by the one Seadog holding his own this weekend, Doke. Doke made a charge but couldn't catch Tommy's 38 pounds. Tommy just about equaled his entire team's totals from last year all by himself. It was the year of the leech for sure.
The final totals:
Son's of Liberty - 133 pounds
Seadogs - 80 pounds
Biggest Fish - Keith - 5 pound, 15 ounce pike
Most Fish Weight (weekend) - Tommy - 38 pounds
Golf Outing Champs - Brian and Tom
While we did get our rear ends kicked by the SOL group, the 80 pounds is still more than last year's total. We just ran into a freight train this year. Congratulations to the Class of '84 on their victory. We'll be ready again next year. Same place, same time, same good time.
Lastly, thanks again to Dave and Judy Crouse for putting up with a group of forty-somethings with adolescent minds.
Trail Head