Sunday, July 5, 2009

Embracing H2O

For someone who used to be afraid of the Boblo Boat in his youth, I have come a long way in my appreciation of water. Yes, I still get a bit antsy in the big water from time to time and even hurled in the Caribbean Sea but this weekend was pretty much spent on the water and that is a-okay in my book.

The Ochs' family were gracious enough to let an east sider take residence in their palace on the lake in Ludington. There is always good eats at the Ochs' compound!
The fish were minimal on Hackert Lake but some good people watching across the way at Crystal Lake campground as I floated by. We hooked up with the Schmitt clan on Saturday afternoon for a float down the Pere Marquette River. The float was swift with no fish production whatsoever. Those Schmitts really can navigate that canoe with the best of them. They don't mess around getting down that river.
The water theme was capped today with a float down the Huron River within Island Lake Recreation Area. The river was packed to say the least. Besides the one loud group with the submerged canoe, it was a peaceful, happy crowd. I'll bet they are still there screaming. Bummer for them.

Trail Head