The event was the Midwest Marine Educators Workshop in San Diego last week. A group of teachers from Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Illinois got to experience the structured life of the Marine Corps and hopefully take some of their experiences back to the classroom.
It wasn't all fun and games shooting guns, running through the obstacle course, and checking out some cool planes. They had to bark orders and got yelled at just like the new recruits. All I can picture is Sgt. Carter from the Gomer Pyle show yelling, "Pyle, out, out, out!!!!" Or Lou Gossett, Jr. yelling at a recruit, "Where you from, boy?" "Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, sir." "Only two things come from Oklahoma, steers and queers. Which one are you, boy? I don't see no horns." Nancy said it wasn't that intense but it was definitely not a walk in the park.
Semper Fi