As someone who taped all of his shows via my VCR (this was pre-TIVO/DVR, pre-reruns on TBS and Fox), I was as giddy as a 5 year old on Christmas Eve prior to the show. And he did not disappoint. Referring back to the episode where George was trying to impress a woman and urged Jerry to not be funny so he could appear so, the guy cannot "not" be funny. He has the gift of delivery. The topics themselves don't have you busting a gut when you see them in print but something about how he spins it on stage has your cheek muscles getting a workout. Whether he talking about the impossibility of a correct 5 day weather forecast, people that talk about the weather way too much (my cubicle neighbors at work), how OnStar should be called MoronStar because the people that call it are either lost or have locked their keys in the car, suicide bombers that blow themselves up on accident prior to their mission, choosing kamikaze pilots, America's passion for coffee and setting up shop at coffee houses with their laptops, getting married at 45 ("had some issues in waiting so long, but boy were they fun"), single friends/married friends, people who are obsessed with their cell phones and telling friends how great their phone is, forgetting your cell phone and not being able to function without it even though friends will offer to let you use theirs, the great feeling when your cell phone is fully charged versus when it is about to run out of power, how answering the phone prior to the inception of cell phones and caller ID used to be a glorious experience and now there is the big fear of answering a call ("don't go near it"), e-mail is for people who only want their side of the conversation heard, people telling you how "great" a particular restaurant is when all you want is a simple meal without all the hassle of waiting at a fancy, expensive one, the need for hydration is out of control when as a kid you could take one sip from a drinking fountain and get by for 28 hours straight, becoming a fat society where Haggar now has slacks where the waist can expand when needed (I had a pair), the chain of events where new purchases eventually become trash, television commercials for urine and erection problems ("forget waiting to call a doctor if I have an erection after four hours, I'm going to call after three, and I'm a little concerned what the doctor is going to do to fix it"), and lastly (quite a bit more but I'm going off of memory), the Cialis commercial that has a couple sitting in two bathtubs on top of a hill as the sun sets ("no wonder they're having sex problems having to lug those tubs up that hill"). Again, most of these don't sound humorous at all but the guy could talk about any topic out there and you are going to laugh at some point. I could see the exact same show with the exact same jokes and still laugh my ass off.
Trail Head