Here nor there, the Pikes Peak experience was a great one. Nancy's friend Michelle and her family were the hosts with the most(s). Their house resides in a beautiful subdivision on a golf course overlooking the Rockies and Pikes Peak. Each day would be a vacation if I lived there. Michelle's husband, Carm, is a scratch golfer so it's a win win. 
Mother Nature delivered sunshine and 70-something temperatures each day, however, the snow at the top of Pikes Peak was kicking pretty well so instead of seeing the top, the Cog Railway could only get up to 12,000 feet and some change. The 2,000 feet we missed didn't seem to matter as we had quite a view where we stopped.
The next day we got to experience Seven Falls and the Garden of the Gods. While I think I'm in pretty good shape, the 224 steps up to the top of the falls (roughly 7,000 foot elevation) had me hunched over grabbing my knees. The Garden of the Gods is some incredible rock formations. Some rock climbers were working their craft on the red rocks of the Garden. No, I did not try. Maybe next year.
The next day was spent at the Cave of the Winds. I consider myself somewhat of a thrill seeker but closed spaces sometimes give me the willies. I was able to talk myself through it knowing that the caves had been here for sometime and will probably be here long after I leave this crazy world we live in. The caves were beautiful, however, they aren't made for the individuals who frequent Popeye's Chicken a bit much (i.e., large and in charge). Some of the walkways were a bit on the narrow side.
Other activities on the final day included a drive through the Air Force Academy and lunch in Manitou Springs. The academy is a beautiful facility. We checked out the visitor center and the chapel (pictured below). Manitou Springs is like the Greenwich Village of Colorado. A gathering of very independent people of all types just hanging out and doing their thing. We passed one guy walking down the street with a very large snake around his neck. Nice snake. No petting for me thank you. Nancy and Michelle partook in the activities by showing their hula hoop prowess in the streets (see pic below).
Thanks again to Michelle, Carm, Sabrina, Kayla, and Ella for the outstanding hospitality and the great meals.