Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pre-Independence Day Ride - Where the h#@&! did June go?

Summer is upon us finally so we can all say goodbye to our lush, green lawns that were produced from all that rain in June. You remember June don't you? I don't. I blinked. Enjoy every moment because before we know it, we'll be crying about how the Lions looked so good in off season workouts and can't understand why they are still bad once the season kicks in (sorry, not eating the cornbread yet but I haven't lost hope). The summer is here and it's time to look to the west in the evening and say, "that orange sky looks pretty cool." That was the feeling tonight on a nice ride at Brighton Recreation Area. The June rains played havoc on parts of the trail in terms of washout but overall, no complaints. The post ride consisted of grill master Mark cooking up some tasty burgers while he, Jim, and I discussed little league baseball, junior high and other topics that have no bearing on the future of the world but still put a grin on my face.
Happy Independence Day!
Trail Head