Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stony Creek - Bike Tour heads east

The bike tour took to the east side today to see what the poor Macomb-ers had for choices in the mountain bike world. If Stony Creek is their pinnacle, I feel for them. The technical portions aren't too bad, however; there isn't enough of it to wet the riding appetite. The longest portion of the trail is pretty much a two track dirt road and if I want some excitement on a dirt road, I'll just ride my bike down South Tipsico Lake Road, stop in to see Dirt Road Del, and hear some 1/4 mile track race stories and how it's the toughest sprint out there (it really is). To make matters worse, the trail has an abundance of markers (pictured below) that point you this way and that way which doesn't help the riding mojo. Some markers point you one way and 20 yards later, you see a "wrong way" sign. What's with that? Those poor east side riders. All was not lost today though as the view atop Mt. Sheldon (highest point in Macomb I am told) wasn't too bad and I did get to see a hawk soaring while up there. My advice to the Macomb-ers, head west my fellow riders.
Trail Head
one of many forks on trail
view on top of
Mt. Sheldon