The way back machine today takes us back to the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st. Saying goodbye to Tiger Stadium in 1999 and saying sayonara to the Lions from the Silverdome in 2001.
The Silverdome wasn't the prettiest stadium but it had character, I should says characters. There was nothing more exciting than seeing an entire section stand up; not because the Lions did something good, it was because of a fight. A few fights there were, eh? Sad, but true. It's just a game folks.
I remember seeing O.J. (now that's a character) run for 250+ yards in a Thanksgiving game with my Dad and Uncle Joe. I think the thing I most recall from that game is we had two tickets that sat in one place and one that sat in another. We spent pretty much the first half being seat whores. We eventually settled in and I got to see the Juice run wild; a start for things to come for him. A good time it was that day.
Being able to see Billy, Barry, or even the last loss that lead to the dreaded Millen regime. Emotions going all over the place on the latter game. We had the win, but....Paul Edinger destroyed it all.
I'd be remiss if I didn't thank D.Kehoe for the sweet seats at the Main Event Restaurant/Bar for a few games there. There is nothing like feasting on a breakfast buffet that is 20 feet away from your seats along the glass. I was the Dos Equis guy for a bit ("Stay thirsty my friends!"). Lion announcer "Brandy" could sure put a dent in that breakfast bar.
The final year the Lions were at the Silverdome, I bought three tickets for the September 16th game; an early season game. That way, if they sucked, you really didn't know it yet. Well, 9/11 happened and my game was moved to the last one of the year. It just kind of fell into place. Al, Doke, and I were going to see the Lions' last visit to Pontiac. Yes, it was confirmed that they sucked that year; however, the home team took the victory that final game.
We can't forget that the Pistons and Panthers also used the "dome" for a time there. The Pistons had some excitement and the tickets were inexpensive; however, I hated the blue curtain. Just didn't have the basketball feel. The Panthers? Loved the Panthers. I think they were only there for two years and probably only averaged around 40,000 fans but those 40,000 got pretty loud. E, Jim, Joe, and Rob even had season tickets the year after they took the USFL Championship. I good time was had by all in that foursome. I wonder what John Corker is doing these days? He was one bad mother effer at defensive end.

What can you say about Tiger Stadium? Each time you went there and walked out from the concourse and see that field for the first time, there was nothing like it. I remember my Dad talking to the fellas outside the stadium working the shopping carts (they literally had their own shopping cart) for tickets so we could see The Bird.

There was the time when I was living in Wixom in the early 90's. I get a call from Tim V. at about 10 one night. He and some buddies went to a game; came out and Tim's Jimmy (Blazer?) was, as Ernie Harwell used to say, "lonnnnnggggggg gonnnnnne!!!!!" I drove down and met them at Nemo's next to the park. I was expecting to see four somber souls when I arrived; but no, a grin was upon them all. I think they realized after few minutes (and a few sodas) that there was nothing they could do about it and to make the best of the night. A fun night it was.
Al, Doke and I got a final view in the last month of the '99 season. We took in every angle throughout the park. The ushers were being pretty cool and letting people wander throughout the game. I only wish that my old school film camera had a little better focus on those outfield shots. A great send off it was nonetheless.
Trail Head
hijinks in the open concourse area |
Doke and Al toast the stadium one last time |
the "porch" |