How would you like to be writing a grueling project for work for five hours and have it all taken away because you accidentally closed the program without clicking "save?" Well, two boats yesterday at Lake St. Clair for the fourth session of the Badwater Bass Club forgot to click save. And it cost them dearly.
The club has a few rules in place to keep the fishing honest and ensure everyone is on the same page. One of those rules states: "A 1 pound per minute penalty will be assessed for late arrivers to the dock for weigh-ins (http://smartbass.org/scoring-system.html)." Yesterday, a few boats strayed a bit from home base for the five hour session and Lake St. Clair is quite a bit of water. You put the two together and the landmark that these guys apparently remember for the boat launch was obviously the wrong one. They both made it back safely, which is priority number one; however, a hard day's work was all for naught. Raj had the day of his life but his 17+ pounds will only count for bar stories at this point. If I could put sound effects on this site, you would be hearing the "waaaa, waaaa" sound right here.
Trail Head