The big head took a break from the boat world this morning as the 45 year-old back that I possess just doesn't like standing in one place for an extended period of time these days. All whining aside, that didn't prevent me from pulling in this dandy off the boat house dock on a pink wacky worm. For all the tackle we purchased before this trip with all the bells and whistles, it still came back to the wacky worm for production. Everyone got their last catch in today before the trek north tomorrow morning. While I was lollygagging on shore, the Al, Jerry, and Slick boat all hit their limit on the north side of the lake while Doke and John O. had some nice girth to present as well. Isn't that the way it is that we finally figure out this enormous body of water on the last day? We definitely won't be working the south end the next time around as we spent roughly an hour yesterday heading there via water as we heard some good things about "Brown's Creek." "What can brown do for you?" Not a whole lot for six fisherman. The north end seemed to be the place to be and we were fortunate to be calling home on said end for the past week.
A great way to kick off the 2013 season.
Trail Head

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