Thursday, May 23, 2013

Riding Rainout - Gas Station Campaign

There was optimism in the air at about 3 PM today that the rains coming through the area would clear and the big head would be able to mountain bike at Island Lake tonight. It was not to be as while I might have been stupid enough 10 years ago to get both my ride and clothes full of mud, in my wiser years, I choose to get dirty another day.      
All was not lost for the evening; however, as I stopped for gas at Novi Road/Grand River on the ride home from the park. I slid the card in, threw the pump in the tank and went back inside my truck because it was darn cold outside. I look over to my left and there is a car with Coleman Junior's name and number on the side of it getting gas right next to me. Who the heck is riding around Novi with that on the side of his car (possibly just off the highway)? A few seconds later, out walks a fella with a very bright khaki suit in pure campaign mode, junior. Everyone got a hand shake and if there was a baby present, you better believe said baby was getting a kiss. The American spirit, alive and well in Novi tonight.
Trail Head