Sunday, May 6, 2018

Dragging Ass

Sometimes the mountain bike gods choose to shine on others as they certainly weren't shining on me yesterday at the Mud, Sweat & Beers race in Traverse City. I can pull out the book of excuses as it has many to choose from but will just chalk it up as a day to enjoy the many forms of riders passing me; the hardcore, the Cinemax soft core, the fat tires, the single speeds, the elders, the teens. They all dropped by.
Within the attached short clip you get to see/hear (need sound on): the start, a snow visual (yes, still some bits of snow up north) followed by a need for more cowbell, throwing an F-bomb call out to an upcoming hill, several pro racers passing me (on your left, on your right, sit tight spandex dude), severe camera wind going down a hill and a finish line plunge into Max's Mud Pit. 
Great day, even with a dragging ass.
Trail Head

mud pit prior to finish line

the herd preparing
still some snow in Michigan