Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Bad Pictures - We're Spoiled

looked in focus when I took it...
For every 10 or so cool pictures, there are always a handful that you thought while taking them were going to be the entries into the world photo contest...and they ended up looking like turds once you viewed them online. With that, I present to you my turd pictures from this past weekend's Milford Bike Fest as turds need love too.
We are so spoiled in the digital age with the picture taking flexibility as who gives a hoot that a picture doesn't come out? You delete and take another. Back in my youth (queue the Way Back Machine), it was a chore to take pictures as besides only having 12, 16 or 24 picture attempts per film if my memory is correct, you had to haul that film up to the pharmacy for processing. At the end of a vacation/trip you always had a few extra pictures available on the film but want to get the existing pictures developed so what do you do? Take a shi#load of bad pictures to drain the film. The 'selfie' was not a word yet (thankfully) and not as many people were sending pictures of their junk (thankfully) because by the time you had said picture taken, developed, mailed (regular mail, no internet yet), the thrill was gone.
Smile for the camera. 
Cheese!!!! (Who is the moron that started the "say cheese" trend?)
Trail Head

thank you Mr. Tree

blur on sherbet rider