Sunday, December 6, 2020

Trail Showcase - the art of getting passed

Yesterday was the official/unofficial Global Fat Bike day in the mountain biking world. Normally promoted heavily by the local riding chapter with festivities at Island Lake (including some well placed "soda pop" dispensers in the back of trucks in past years) but this year is not normal and the normally packed trailhead lot on the first weekend of December was only half full.
Based on my speed (or lack there of) and the amount of times I was passed on the trail, it should be re-named Global "on your left" day as that is what I was hearing most. Nephew Jackson was being respectful of his elderly uncle for a few miles but wisely kicked it into 20-something gear and we met back at the parking lot after the loop. Slow speed and all, a great day to be out.
Attached are some views on the art of being passed. For those doing the passing, a call out is recommended about 20 or so yards before the pass or you might get a snake scream from the ADD rider you are passing who was in a deep thought. 
Cell phone users need to click the link to view the attached.

(put quality settings to 1080hd for best picture quality)
Trail Head