It was quite a turnout this past Thursday at Island Lake Recreation Area. Eric, Jim, Mark, Trig, myself, and about two million mosquitoes made it out on a beautiful, crisp, Michigan evening. The ride was enjoyable but once you stopped, the ‘skeeters were looking for blood and they got me pretty good. I read that over the Labor Day weekend, southern Michigan experienced a large hatch of small, aggressive mosquitoes (a little Mr. Science today). This type of mosquito apparently has a rapid development rate. You would think the mild weather would scare them off but these were mosquitoes on steroids. It didn’t matter if you were in the sun, the shade, in the woods, or standing in the middle of a parking lot; they found you.
Anyway, it was good catching up with everybody and hearing stories about bathroom visits gone bad (very bad), instant babies, and women not giving clear signals (why do they do that?).
That is all for now. Go MSU! My Michigan-Notre Dame prediction is a tie, 0-0. It's going to be ugly!
Trail Head