It was some good old fashioned father-son bonding Tuesday night at the Ti
ger game. While the game was not in the Tiger’s favor (they really are bad right now), it was an enjoyable night. I walked to the ticket office on Monday with intentions of getting a standing room only ticket for the game, thinking that the game would be a near sellout with the Red Sox in town, which is was close to being one. I asked the ticket guy what the best available ticket he had. He said twelfth row behind the dugout. I couldn’t pass those up. Lady luck is a good thing sometimes.
I must be a curse to the Tigers. The last game I saw earlier this year they got two hits. Last night they got three hits. My dad thinks that Gary
Sheffield has pictures of Jim Leyland with a prostitute because there is no logical reason he should be playing. I did get to witness a David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez homer, however. Ramirez’s homer went directly over the 420 foot sign. It was a laser!
I must be a curse to the Tigers. The last game I saw earlier this year they got two hits. Last night they got three hits. My dad thinks that Gary
Trail Head