What a great Memorial Day weekend it was. They say these holidays are a time for rest and relaxation but I find myself more pooped than during the work week. Oh, well. It is a good tired all the same.
The grill was out at Island Lake for Thursday night's ride. Another group that was parked near us also had the same idea. Nothing like taking off a couple hundred calories during the ride and putting back on 500 hundred after with a couple of Johnsonville brats (good brats). Having Friday off, I ventured over to Jim's house after the ride to watch the Piston game. A good game it was but somehow I had a gut feeling they would come back and lay an egg at home on Saturday night. More on that later.
Friday morning I was out on the Doke fishing charter out in Lake Orion.
I felt like we were in an episode of the Twilight Zone. We had the entire lake to ourselves, which is a good thing, and there were no signs of human life in any of the lake front homes. The morning soda pops were tasting mighty good. I caught four fish, the biggest being a 18" largemouth bass and Doke caught a few himself. I was getting a little concerned about the cold streak I had endured this spring in the fishing waters. I was guessing it was because I bought my fishing pole on sale at Dick's Sporting Goods. When you buy something on sale, it has to be cursed, eh? The curse is free!!!! Anyway, after a short cat nap at home, it was off to Jim's and the evening fish at Lake Chemung. Jim's Red Rocket boat was in mid season form (if it's running, that is mid season form). Al, Doke, and I were in Doke's boat with Eric and Jim in
Jim's boat. Everybody caught a few here and there. I would say Doke took "most" honors working his rattle lure. After getting the boats in, we headed back to Jim's for some laughs and cards. I snuck off into Jim's spare bedrooom after my share of beverages had been met. Quite a long and enjoyable day it was.
Friday morning I was out on the Doke fishing charter out in Lake Orion.
It was off on the motorcycles on Saturday with Mark to check out the Civil War rememberance outing at Greenfield Village. I couldn't tell you that last time I had been there. I would probably guess fifth grade. We were a bit bummed heading out there because Hines Drive, a great winding road that ends pretty much right at Greenfield Village, was closed for "family time" about half way through. We ended up taking the urban tour through beautiful Inkster and all it has to offer (insert sarcasm). Greenfield Village was packed. Others must have had the same idea on this beautiful Saturday afternoon. We were a bit bummed because the Greenfield Village website didn't post any clear schedule of the activities and it turned out that most of the battle reenactments were later in the day. We pretty much got to see a bunch of people dressed up in Civil War clothing and acting like it was 1862. The rebel soldier on his cell phone really added to the nostagia.
Saturday evening was sports-a-palooza in Michigan. With the Pistons, Red Wings, and Tigers all playing at home that evening, I needed to find a place with multiple televisions. Gus O'Connors is walking distance from my home and with an open bar stool front and center to all of the action, I was in business. The Red Wings and the inconsistent Tigers took care of business but my Piston prediction proved true. They need somebody or something to get them mad before these games. When they are smiling and happy, they play like crap. I'm sure there is some stat out there on that. Even with the loss, however, it was a great sports scene.
In order to work off the nachos I had at Gus O'Connors, I headed back to the mountain bike trails on Sunday at Lakeshore Park in Novi and Hickory Glen Park on Monday. Lakeshore Park really has improved over the years with respect to signs/markings. I spent the rest of Sunday and Monday in my hammock and loved every minute of it. It was time to lounge!!!!
Go all Detroit sports teams!
Trail Head