Father time paid a visit to me yesterday. The big four one! There isn't much celebration to 41 as there was with 16 (totaled a car within a week of getting my drivers license), 21 (hurled at Dooley's in East Lansing), or even 40 (didn't even make it to midnight on the bar tour). Just because 41 isn't a round number or have any significance besides another year doesn't mean it can't be celebrated, right? It didn't stop me this weekend. I visited the old stomping grounds in Kingsville, Ontario Friday evening and had a great lobster dinner with the Welacky clan and Colin from across the street. Thanks for the many Lakeport beers Tom. Those Canadians won't let you sit there very long with an empty beer can. Good stuff.
Saturday was a good day to be a slug and a slug I was. It rained and then it rained some more as Forest Gump would say. My non-hunting friends came over in the evening for some cards. I don't think anybody lost their shirt too bad with Al probably bringing home the most.
To top off the birthday festivities, I went to the circus today with Jennifer and Calder. It really was the greatest show on earth. What is kind of sad is I now look at things differently than when I last saw the circus when I was about Calder's age. Rather than being amazed at how talented these performers were (they were darn talented), I
See you later 40!
Trail Head