Sunday, May 22, 2011

End of the world? Nice way to go out - Session I - Badwater Bass Club

7 AM - Lake St. Clair
Word on the street was that the world was going to end yesterday evening. Well, if it did (it didn’t), Jim M. would have had a heck of a story to tell at the pearly gates. The pride of the dirt road side of Tipsico Lake Rd. made a mockery of the other fisherman and dominated the first session of the Badwater Bass Club tournament on Lake St. Clair Saturday morning. Working from the rear of Rob S’s Shake-n-Bake boat, he brought in five keepers for a total poundage of 14.05 (measurements converted to pounds) with the largest being 21 inches.
With it being catch and release right now in the bass season, we had to resort to measuring each catch, taking a digital picture of the measurement, and throwing them back. Thankfully, the measuring process is a one time deal for the tournament and the live wells will be in use at Woodland Lake on June 3rd. Bring on the fat bass!
winning fish
Boats-a-plenty there were on the lake as the fishing gods gave us clear skies and a light breeze. There were ten fisherman total for the session with Rob taking a break from Team Hawkeye to compete for the day. Everyone had their “one that got away” story, including yours truly with one I lollygagged around with too much and lost near the boat. I refrained from cussing as a father/child fish outing was nearby; but f###!!!. It is all good as long as you have more “one that you caught” stories than “got away” ones. Besides a minor boat mechanical error that was quickly fixed and a flat (destroyed) tire for
one of the trailers on the ride home, the opening day of the tournament matched all the hype and then some. An exciting fishing season it will be. 
Trail Head
stat sheet says it all for Jim

certificate and prize $ presentation