Anyway, the Thursday ride was enjoyable. I only fell once and I am embarrassed to say it happened when I was taking off from a complete stop at the second loop. Another group was also heading out and they told us to go first because I assume they thought we looked like experienced bikers. I go to pedal and whoop, down I go. A little bruise to the ego but I pedaled on. One dude in their group had a one piece spandex leotard-type riding outfit on. Not a good visual. The trail was incredibly sandy in certain areas but no major complaints here. Earlier in the ride, we were riding near some houses and got a whiff of some locals “wacky tobacky” that the northern winds blew at us. They aren’t too bashful with their smoking in Green Oak Township. 
After the ride, Eric and I went over to Jim’s house and played his exercise/video driving game (pictured). The set up is pretty wild. You have to pedal with your hands to get the car to move. By the time you have run the course and completed the game, your arms are pretty tired. I only did it once (didn’t do too well) and was pretty whipped after that. It is a pretty cool invention, however, in getting folks to exercise and have some fun at the same time.

After the ride, Eric and I went over to Jim’s house and played his exercise/video driving game (pictured). The set up is pretty wild. You have to pedal with your hands to get the car to move. By the time you have run the course and completed the game, your arms are pretty tired. I only did it once (didn’t do too well) and was pretty whipped after that. It is a pretty cool invention, however, in getting folks to exercise and have some fun at the same time.
Trail Head