Because I was out of town for Father’s Day, I treated my dad to a round of golf at Bay Pointe on Friday. There is the saying when someone hasn’t done something in awhile, they say “I’ll have to dust off….” I hadn’t played in over a year so I literally had to dust off my golf bag and the clubs after pulling them out of the depths of my garage. My golf glove looked like it had been soaked in starch it was so stiff. Needless to say, it was quite a display by yours truly. I managed to get a few pars but along with those were a handful of sevens and eights. My favorite golf memory would have been about fifteen years ago when my dad and I were golfing with some others. We were near a pond and another group hit a ball near us. The guy who hit the ball asked whomever to throw the ball back to him, over the pond. The pond was maybe twenty yards long. My dad, thinking he still had the old high school football hero arm, picked up the ball and heaved it with all intentions of getting it back to the guy. The ball fell right in the middle of the pond. Sorry! I still chuckle to this day thinking of that.
After Friday’s golfing exhibition, I met up with Greg and Jim at Pontiac Lake for some evening fishing. While Jim and I probably lost about a half a dozen fish that were on (bad hook set), Greg showed us rookies how it’s done and pulled in probably ten or so. No behemoths to report. I ended up with one pike and Jim got a couple of green fish. Nice evening.
Saturday night was firework central in the White Lake/Highland areas. Highland was having their “Sparks in the Park” off of Hickory Ridge Rd. and White Lake was having theirs on the lake itself. Jim, Christine, and I went to Sue McCauley’s house on White Lake as she was having a gathering. While pictures can’t do justice, there must have been at least a hundred boats out there for the occasion. While we were hanging and waiting for the show, you could hear what sounded like live music coming from the lake. About five minutes later, here comes a pontoon boat/barge with three guys floating around the lake with their amps plugged in doing their version of “Freebird” and not sounding too bad. God bless America!
That is all for now. Enjoy your freedom.
Trail Head