I am fortunate in that the Renaissance Center and General Motors have a bus service available for employees. With my house roughly 30 miles from downtown, it saves immensely on gas and wear/tear on my truck not to mention the relax time during the ride. At $75/month, it is quite a deal. It also is key that I have a boss that will allow me to work from 7-4 each day. If a conference call or meeting from hell is dragging on too long, “sorry, I have to catch my bus.” It has saved me a few times.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Bus Rider
Thursday, December 20, 2007
"I Do" Club - New Member

With Dave joining the “I do” club, let’s see who that leaves in our group who haven’t made the jump….hmmm….oh yeah…..ME!!!!! I’m not sure if I can leave my post as president of the GDI club but stranger things have happened.

Congrats Mardy and Dave!
Monday, December 10, 2007
21st Annual Merrill Hall Christmas Party
Amy and I checked into our hotel around five on Saturday with intentions of grabbing a bite to eat locally before heading over to Lucy and Mike’s place. I spoke to Jim M. earlier and told him that he and his un-tethered group of husbands (posse of five – scary) were more than welcome to join us. Jim advised they were on the fence in either getting something to eat or heading over to the party. With that, Amy and I headed out for a bite. After heading further north than I expected before seeing a place worth hitting, we ended up at Shakespeare’s Pub and Restaurant in Kalamazoo. We weren’t sure if we would have to listen to some Shakespeare reading before eating
The party was a great time. It was a nice blend of former Chippewa’s and a circle of friends from that group.
After the gift exchange, a band of Mike (on guitar), Jim (on bongos), and others belted out the verses to many songs, however, the group fell a bit short in actually completing an entire song.
I don’t think there was any donkey-ness unless I was the one making an ass out of myself. As it becomes more difficult these days to gather the entire group, it is great that at least one day a year we ALL can get together with the entire posse and giggle about the past, appreciate the present, and look forward to the future. Happy Holidays!
Monday, November 19, 2007
40! Life Keeps Moving
Jim M. was gracious enough to be my designated driver on my birthday Thursday. Al and Greg also came along for the festivities. We did a nice little bar tour hitting the Grand River locations from Wixon to New Hudson and back towards Novi. One thing I did find out that night was I just can’t do the hardcore partying like I used to (not sure if I ever could). I started strong but faded pretty quickly as we moved towards the latter part of the evening when the twenty-somethings were just getting going. The night was supposed to be a surprise but I messed it up because I was planning on heading north on my day. Sorry about that Jim. It worked out for the best though.
With my melon thumping pretty well, I ventured north on Friday morning up towards Rob’s place in Irons.
With it being the start of deer hunting season, the state land around Rob’s place was filled with orange-headed humans. Rob wasn’t too happy in that the area he usually hunts had others crowding him. Needless to say, the big buck wasn’t to be on this opening weekend for Rob. I did, however, witness something at Rob’s place that is more elusive than a twelve point buck, a bald eagle, or Dave McVeigh having a full tank of gas (Hi Dave).
I had heard rumors that it existed but never thought it would come to fruition. I was in such awe that I had to take a picture of it. Rob had a television on at his place!!!! Wow!
On a side note, I’m sorry I haven’t had more frequent updates on this site recently. I have to get out there!
Trail Head
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Halloween Review
There was a good portion of holiday spirit out there, however. One 10 or 11 year old kid came up with a big red horseshoe thing around his neck with some baby chickadees at each end of the horseshoe. “Who are you?,” I asked. “I’m a chick magnet!!,” he replied with confidence.

Trail Head

Friday, October 26, 2007
Milford Ride---Countdown to 40

I met up with Rob and his boys, Jake and Curtis, at Dukes after the ride for a meal. Those Schmitt boys sure do have great manners. Do you think they got it from their father who cusses like a sailor? I think not. Kudos to Wendy for a great job (okay Rob, you have the troops in line also).
Monday, October 22, 2007
Weekend Journeys
I hadn’t ridden my mountain bike much since THE FALL late last month but couldn’t let a beautiful fall day like Saturday go by without a ride in the woods. The colors were pretty close to peak at Maybury Recreation Area. It was a casual ride to say the least but I wasn’t in any hurry and the scenery was quite enjoyable.
What better way to close the weekend than an afternoon at Ford Field watching the Lions. Rather than the tailgate scene, Doke and I took in the rooftop view at Cheli’s Chili Bar for the pregame
Monday, October 15, 2007
Leelanau Peninsula-Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
With autumn in the air, it was up to the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore in the beautiful Leelanau Peninsula for Amy and me. While the dunes themselves are pretty cool to explore, there are quite a few day hikes away from the sand within the park. We got in late Friday and stayed at the Sylvan Inn in Glen Arbor. It is a pretty nice old place with all the antique looking stuff for those that appreciate it. It also has a spa which made for some nice rest and relaxation on Saturday morning before we ventured out on the trails.
We started out on the Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive which offered some beautiful views of the Glen Lakes and Lake Michigan. On one lookout area, a lady was painting a portrait of the Glen Lakes and from what I saw (see picture), she was doing a fine job. Within the scenic drive is the Cottonwood Trail which we walked. The trail runs through the sand with some nice views of the Manitou Islands and Lake Michigan.
After the scenic drive and hike, we hooked up with a ranger-led hike on the Dunes-Sleeping Bear Point Trail that the folks at the Sylvan Inn recommended. Our ranger, Peg, knew her stuff pretty well. A wealth of information we received about how the dunes have changed the area’s landscape and what effect they have on the vegetation. We were in the company of some sixty or seventy somethings so it was pretty funny when Peg would talk about heading up one hill or another and you would hear a groan from the group.
After a bite to eat at Boondocks in Glen Arbor, we headed up to the Pyramid Point Trail on the north edge of the park. There is a section of the trail called “the meadow” which runs obviously through a meadow but before coming into and leaving there, it takes you through a very thick forest. No bear sightings to report but a great trail altogether.
We called it a day and headed to our accommodations for the night, D.H. Day campground in Glen Arbor; a very rustic setting (no showers, no electricity) right on the shores of Lake Michigan/Sleeping Bear Bay. With a nice camp fire and the stars dotting the sky, you couldn’t ask for a better setting. My only error was while heading out for an early morning Mother Nature call, I accidentally let the air nozzle to the air mattress out. I came back to a dead mattress. Sorry about that Amy!
After breakfast at Art’s Tavern in Glen Arbor, we took our final hike of the weekend at Alligator Hill. You couldn’t ask for a better morning with blue skies and crisp air. While the colors in some parts of the area had reached peak and were quite amazing, the majority of this forest area was still spring green. Crazy, but a great walk it was.
We took the long way home through the heart of the Leelanau Peninsula and up to the Old Mission Lighthouse. The colors were quite a view. A great weekend it was and I didn’t even watch football!
Trail Head
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Magic Bus to East Lansing
The game itself was exciting (and quite hot) but the Spartans’ defense must have frequented too many house parties the night before. They definitely did not show up. Needless to say, State lost to the woeful Northwestern Wildcats. Same old Spartans I guess. As Trig Bennett once said when our high school football coaches asked us in practice what was the problem, “bad coaching.” I
Monday, October 1, 2007
Northern Michigan Utopia
I must say M-22 up around the Leelanau peninsula is one of the more enjoyable joy rides in Michigan. Many turns, many lakes, and many beautiful sights. The fall colors weren’t quite at peak but they are getting there. We spent the night at Rob’s place in Irons, Big Whiskey, and enjoyed some brats and beer while discussing and trying to fix the issues of the world.
Bruce and Ken took off towards home on Saturday morning so Rob and I went for a short ride around the area and took in the sights of the Manistee River and the many (read: whole lotta) fishermen trying to bring home a salmon that were abundant in the river. There had to have been sixty or so people along the shoreline with lines in the water. We were up on a bluff and could see fish everywhere. I like to fish but not in that big of a crowd. It kind of ruins the serenity of the experience.
We hooked up with Greg back at Rob’s place
A great weekend it was.
Trail Head
Friday, September 21, 2007
Sometimes we fall.....again
On a beautiful evening at Pontiac Lake Recreation Area, I fell down; and hard! This fall ranks up there with the spill I had on a hill at the Porcupine Mountain Ski Area in the Upper Peninsula about 14 or so years ago (had to get a few stitches on that one). Pontiac Lake has quite a few rocks and tree roots throughout and with the recent dry spell in the area, the terrain was pretty rough. I was about halfway through the loop when one of the many rocks on the trail grabbed my front tire and threw me over the handlebars. It felt like I was sliding on pavement. It was a lung grabber to say the least. My front rim, which was recently replaced, was bent pretty well. Besides the body scrapes and the initial lack of air in my lungs, however, no
hospital visits were needed. I was able to get my rim to somewhat of a condition where I could pedal my sorry behind back to the parking lot. The cuts will eventually heal and I’ll be back riding next week for some more fun!
Have a great weekend.
Trail Head
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Lake Chemung
Friday, September 14, 2007
Island Lake - Extra Strength Off! Needed
Anyway, it was good catching up with everybody and hearing stories about bathroom visits gone bad (very bad), instant babies, and women not giving clear signals (why do they do that?).
Monday, September 10, 2007
Angus - Big Fire Hydrant in the Sky

Trail Head